Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Five ways to improve your running stamina

Brayan Gamez
October 21,2013
Block 3
Five ways to improve your running stamina
1. Choose the right shoes
The first and most obvious one is shoes. You have to have the correct shoes to run. Preferably Nike or Adidas or shoes of that nature. If you pick shoes that are not appropriate for running then you’ll will feel pain sooner or later.

2. Warm up properly
Warming up properly is a big deal. Make sure to warm up properly before every run. It will reduce the chances of you getting injured. Your should walk or jog  the first 5 minutes then stretch to reduces stiffness.

3. Run long and slow
In an article I read Finke believes marathoners should focus on consistent, easy paced training runs that help them build endurance without getting hurt every couple of months. “A lot of runners train too hard, get injured, and never reach their potential”. Hes saying run long distances but don't sprint them, stay at an easy pace throughout your run. But however running fast and long distances does work for some people as well.

4. Run at least 3 times a week
If you are just starting to run, 3 times a week is a good amount since you are allowing your body to adapt to running more frequently. You want to make sure you don't over train as you burly start your endurance training because your body won’t be fit enough and won’t have enough time to adapt between runs.

5. Nutrition
Nutrition is a very important step in improving your stamina. When you train you burn calories, and if you eat correctly you will have enough energy to complete your run. If you don't eat right
you will feel lethargic and you won’t gain as much benefit from your training. You also need food and protein to rebuild your muscles after they are damaged during your training.

Works Cited
"5 Ways To Increase Your Running Stamina." Homemade by Jaci. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.

"Boost Your Endurance in 7 Simple Steps." N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.

"Improving Endurance – 5 Top Tips." N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.

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